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Michelle Gagnon’s Don’t Turn Around is full of intrigue and excitement. Cliche to say so, I know but still true. Noa, the heroine is kick ass bDont Turn Around Cover Gagnonut vulnerable. As a former (current?) orphan she’s developed slick techniques to get by on her own. The book carries you on a roller coaster ride of government menace, grown up villains, and a bit of teen angst; all while offering interesting insights into Noa’s regular life. You find yourself wanting to know more about the character. And Gagnon delivers.

Peter – arguably the hero to Noa’s heroine – provides humor as well as teen angst. Yet, for all that he’s thrown into a desperate situation, he’s not as vulnerable as Noa. Basically, Noa and Peter are Hackers. Some top bad-asses (major badasses and not the sort that can be outsmarted home-alone style) want Noa dead, and Peter… eventually dead too. Despite his privileged background, and parents who are less than helpful. Peter still has a lot to contribute when it comes to the daily grind of oh -say running for their lives!

You’ve read the blurb on the back of the book, and if not, I will paste it for you below. I love spoilers. A LOT!! Which is why I’m not giving you any. *>:)* But The book is well-ploted. There’s not a lot of down time for our characters, and when there is, it’s fraught with either emotional or physical tension; usually both. The writing is solid: not too angsty, but also true to its teen characters. I’m usually skeptical about YA books, but this turned out to be a good crossover title for adult fans. [I see how this works: when I was a child I had to read adult books, but now that I’m an adult, everyone’s publishing YA titles! What Gives?!]

Amanda – Peter’s girlfriend, who I thought I’d hate – and still kinda dislike for a lot of reasons (see I could post a spoiler here, but I’m not gonna ’cause I’m evil like that! *🙂* – turns out to be a sympathetic character – the side stories are flushed out, yet still leave possibilities to be explored in future books.

Rating: 4 *’s Read It!


Thanks to Harper for the Galley.


Book 1 in the PERSEF0NE trilogy

Sixteen-year-old Noa has been a victim of the system ever since her parents died. Now living off the grid and trusting no one, she uses her computer-hacking skills to stay safely anonymous and alone. But when she wakes up on a table in an empty warehouse with an IV in her arm and no memory of how she got there, Noa starts to wish she had someone on her side.

Enter Peter Gregory. A rich kid and the leader of a hacker alliance, Peter needs people with Noa’s talents on his team. Especially after a shady corporation threatens his life. But what Noa and Peter don’t realize is that Noa holds the key to a terrible secret, and there are those who’d stop at nothing to silence her for good.

Filled with action, suspense, and romance, this first book in a new trilogy offers readers nonstop thrills.